CartIt 8.0 Remote Payment Gateway Integration Instructions
These are the basic instructions for Remote Payment Gateway processing. In general, if the payment gateway will accept an HTTP POST from a shopping cart, it should be able to work with CartIt.
- Rename the downloaded file cartit_invoice.html.
- Open the file in notepad and rename any variables you may need to, such as your account information with your processing center.
- Upload the new cartit_invoice.html to your CartIt "data" directory on the Web server (you can rename the old one first).
- Configure CartIt for remote transactions by using CommerceBuddy.
- In CommerceBuddy, click Options -> Payment Types and Credit Cards.
- Be sure the "At a remote Web site" radio button is selected under the "How I will accept Credit Cards" section.
- Click the Online button, then "Publish Options and Configurations."
- Do a test order.