I am using another currency and I still have a dollar sign at the last stage of the checkout process.

I have the cart set to use £ instead of $ and when anyone checks out, on the screen where you enter your credit card details, the prices all appear in £ apart from the price in the following section.....

By submitting this order you are agreeing that you, "John Q Public" are the credit card holder and are authorized to make this purchase. Your credit
card will be billed by TheCompany Limited for the total amount of $99.00.

Obviously we need to avoid a $ (dollar sign) if your customers are paying in pounds.

Solution: You can update the checkout_cc_extend.html template in the CartIt data directory- there is a hard coded $ in the template.

where :
By submitting this order you are agreeing that you, "%io_shopper_name%" are the credit card holder and are authorized to make this purchase.
Your credit card will be billed by %io_company_name% for the total amount of <span class="price">$%io_cart_total%.</span>

Just change the $ symbol to the £ symbol - of course this will work for another currency as well.